Apr 21, 2009 16:35
I've jut watched an interview with Miss California. Miss Prejean came across as an intelligent, lovely, classy lady. She had the courage to stand up to her convictions the other night, and she has managed to maintain a smile even when faced with crass opposition. Everyone should have the faith and integrity that she has shown.
Perez Hilton could do well by emulating her character. In his video blog he came across as insulting and ignorant. He resorted to name-calling and personal attack when there was no cause for it. I understand he didn't agree with Miss Prejean's answer regarding same-sex marriage, but he needs to understand you can attack the argument without attacking the person.
Some might see Miss Prejean's answer as how out of touch Christians are. I look beyond that. I see how she responded as an example of how ALL people should be, especially Christians. Character, integrity, faith, strength.
When times get tough, when an important part of your life depends upon an answer you give, do you have the courage and strength to stick to your convictions, or do you give the answer they want to hear?
I wish I knew how I might have answered.
christian faith,
christian living