It's been a busy 24 hours, and we're not done yet.
Yesterday evening, Heath and I went to the Tea Party in his home town. For Sugar Grove being so small, there was a good turnout. Heath estimated there was about 100 people there. I took a couple of photos, and eventually I'll put them up.
Our rally was very peaceful, and I've not heard of any riots or anything taking place at any other rally. Marked change from the G20 shennanigans of the other week. Yeah, conservatives are fairly meek and mild. We don't break windows or torch cars *g* I'm also glad I'm not a journalist as I once planned. Because after seeing that CNN footage... ugh. That was ugly. That woman was acting like her target was a complete criminal. I heard about the incident before I saw the footage and it sounds like she staged a fair amount of stuff. And to blame it on Fox is laughable. It was actually a dude from either MSNBC or CNBC that first voiced the idea. He was on the Chicago trading floor and the employees and he agreed there should be a Tea Party to protest. There's YouTube footage somewhere.
Heath had an interesting discussion with his sister over the nationwide events. "Who in Sugar Grove earns over $250,000?" she asked, because a lot of the media suggested that our protest was about the tax increase for those making over that figure. But it's more than that. It's about the fact that our utility bills are going to increase because of taxes. In New York, the Governor is proposing so many new taxes it's mind-boggling. Oh, and the tax cut in Heath's paycheck? It might have meant the Federal Income Tax was about $25 less, but oh look, our State Income Tax went up by about $3! And to be honest, $20 and change is not going to help us a whole lot. Not with a student loan repayment of almost $700. And Heath makes nowhere near the $250k mark. Meanwhile, people who put $0 down when they bought a house and are behind on their mortgage payments are getting help. Life sucks. We don't need the government to suck as well.
She also raised the issue of, "Well, Bush started it." Doesn't that sound like a whiny kid *g* And just as a parent would say to a kid, I'll say, "Well, they might have started it, but you didn't have to join in. Them starting it doesn't make it any better."
It's like the Omnibus Spending Bill. I heard a lot of folks say, "Well, it was unfinished business from last year." If it was begun by the previous Administration, who happens to be your opposition, then why would you want to continue running with it? It would have been the perfect opportunity to dump it. Instead, we get 'whiny kid syndrome.'
The Sugar Grove event was organised by a 17 year old. Good for her.
Today, I've been on a church mission. We're helping another church who concentrates so much on their own outreach that they need a lot of work doing to their own building. I spent a number of hours outside, staining wood trim and doors. I didn't realise until I got home that I caught the sun. It's really good to see the building come together. The ceiling tiles had to be taken down, along with the carboard insulation. New insulation is being put up, and new ceiling tiles are covering that. Tomorrow, I'll be back there, staining the other side of the doors! Work is going on through Saturday evening. Again, I took photos and I'll get some of those up once the project is complete.
This evening is our team workout at the Y. At this point in time I'm not sure whether or not to go. I may go, do a little bit and then sit out of the rest.
Yeah, I've been missing Bones the last couple of weeks. But, to be honest, I don't like what I've heard about the season finale. I'm not sure whether I'll still be a fan by the time the next season rolls around. In the meantime, I'll catch past episodes online maybe. I definitely won't be buying this season's dvd set.
But hey, my Penguins won last night. What happened to the Flyers? That's now 3 play-off games in a row they've lost to Pittsburgh. It's a good start for us though, and that makes me happy :)