Nov 05, 2008 09:01
Less than 150 years ago the people of this country fought a brutal civil war, one of the reasons for which was the owning of slaves.
Less than 50 years ago a man told the world, "I have a dream."
There is no doubt that last night was a momentous event in US history. There will never be another first black President of the United States.
I still believe that the United States is a country where anything is possible. I still believe that the American Dream can be achieved if you are willing to work hard for it. I still believe that the Constitution of the United States does not automatically guarantee happiness, but merely the pursuit of it.
I will continue to respect the office of President of the United States, even if I should disagree with some of the actions of the person holding that office.
I will continue to respect the country of the United States of America, and the symbols of it such as the flag.
I will continue to respect the members of our armed forces, who have joined up not because they have to but because they want to, and who fight and die for the causes in which they believe.
I continue to oppose a portion of my and my husband's taxes going towards Planned Parenthood, an organisation whose reason for being goes against my core beliefs.
I continue to oppose the Employee Free Choice Act, which gives employees anything but a free choice as to whether or not they want a union in their workplace.
I continue to oppose the sense of entitlement that seems to have seeped into the culture of this country, and which I believe is responsible for a large part of the economical problems we face.
I am more motivated to clear my family's financial debts, including our huge student loans, and to live solely by the fruits of our labours.
I am more motivated to save for the Naturalisation application fee, so that I might be a full and participating member of this country.
I am more motivated to live by my faith, and to live out my faith in my daily life.
support the troops,
christian faith,
human rights,
being conservative,
christian living,
looking at the world