Dec 16, 2007 18:08
So tomorrow morning I get my wisdom teeth out. All 4 of them. I'm not looking forward to it at all. First of all, I have never had general anesthesia (sp?) before. I've had local, sure. Who hasn't? But I've never actually been knocked out. I don't think I like that idea very much.
Second of all, I'm not looking forward to the pain. From what I have heard, it is pretty painful for awhile afterwards. Really don't want to go through that. Not my idea of fun.
Finally, I don't want to have to spend the whole week (or however long it takes me to feel better) doing nothing. It is my Christmas break. I want to be able to hang out with my friends that I never see and my boyfriend (who I do normally see but would like to hang out with more over Christmas break) and do fun stuff. I don't want to be lying on the couch eating mashed potatoes and jello and watching TV all day (not that I don't like those things, but I don't want to do them for such an extended period of time).
So this is the end of my wisdom teeth rant for now. There will be an update tomorrow (and probably lots for the rest of the week because I won't have anything else to do.