Dec 06, 2006 17:19
so ends all of my hecticness...i hope. this past week or so has been hell. last week, fighting with brendan and having to start my physics project (thank god for kelly, who drags me to the library and makes me do work. i need to repay her for that some day). going home for the weekend and getting nothing school related done. coming back only to realize i have to do an entire math assignment before monday, a physics assignment by wednesday, and present a project to my physics class on wednesday. not to mention the fact that as of monday i have a cold. god it sucked. but i got everything done (not all my best work, but oh well) presented my project today. it sucked cuz the two groups that went before us went way over their time limits so we really got gipped. we did the whole thing but we were kinda rushed and had professor from the next class glaring at us as we finished because he needed to set up for his class (he even yelled at our professor, i felt really bad for her). but the project went really well. she appologized profusely and told us that we would be compensated for it in our grade. works for me. and today was totally all me time. except for when i was working on my music theory final project, which my professor really likes. so yea. blah.