Jun 02, 2011 00:06
Just an FYI for those wondering, I haven't forgotten about survivorlj and the recent posts in this community about a new game. I have been approached for a new game idea, and I'm certainly open to having these folks take a stab at rebooting the community, as it has been dormant for far too long.
I'm having to work some things out with the owner election right now so I can appoint the new hosts as moderators. As soon as that is worked out, I will announce further details about who is hosting.
The best thing you guys can do to help right now is help scout new players. Obviously it's no secret that LiveJournal has really struggled amongst the Twitters, Facebooks, Tumblrs of the world, but I think the community and setup we have here provides a pretty unique ORG experience. If you think you know someone that might want to play, show them some of the fun stuff from prior seasons... live finales... cool challenges... etc.