Trying Again

Jan 18, 2007 00:19

Well its been requested that I start this up...AGAIN. I know I know Im terrible at keeping up with this stuff, prolly cuz im not a big journal writer as it is. I kindda keep all my feelings to yeah putting stuff on here usually tends to stick to daily life stuff...such as work and school...and exciting can those get? Especially in my life! haha! yeah right...Anyway this is temp till I think of an awesome name and make a NEW one and get rid of this one and all the others I've created in the past....oh what fun. Anyway if you have any suggestions let me know, Im open! Well here's what I have to say about my day:
Woke up, took a shower, went to the bank, went to Target bough Mean Girls dvd and a scarf with a giftcard from my boss for the holidays, then to best buy then to cicuit city, bought an arm band for my ipod when I go to the gym...hmm def. need to get back on top of THAT! uhm then went home, fiddled around on the comp till my rents got home. Then me and my dad went and got lunch at Atlanta Bread Company then I went back home and read my awesome book until I had to leave for work. Went to work, did rooms saw a puppy that possibly had ringworm (it didn't) I didn't actually hear what was going on...but whatever guess I'll have to check the chart. Then there was a dog that had gone tot eh groomer and now its eyes were swollen shut then there was a two pet yearly a dog and a cat, the dog got that look like I'll try and bite you. Then there was a pomeranian puppy for vaccines. then I helped Shaina clean cuz her foots broken and she in a walking boot but her foot hurts her. Then me her and Sam went to Chilis and had dinner then I went back to Shainas and watched American Idol....ow...then we watched a little of The Hot Chick funny movie. Then I left cuz it started sleeting and now Im here...back on the computer.

How I'm feeling:
I'm feeling tired. And I def. don't want to go to school tomorrow. blah. Anyway Im in a not so awesome mood. Not sure why, just kindda sad. haven't done any of my homework so I'll prolly be up sortta late doing that its nearly 12:30AM. Well I think that's about it...well Im gonna turn it...or at least get off the computer so I can do some homework so if I do (and I hope I don't) have school tomorrow then at least Im ready for it! Well here's your update guys! Hope it was well worth it....

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