Jan 02, 2005 18:52
today i went to work. it was incredible. incredibly boring.
for new years i wore a pretty little shirt (actually its kinda slutty for my taste...but i figured that it was new years and i could get away with a trashy~classy shirt). i went to the double tree with sarah and we got suuuuuuuuuuuuuuper drunk. i talked to scott the next day at cozymel's and he said that i had talked to him for a little bit but i couldnt remember. james said i was a bitch to him on the phone and thats sad because i didnt mean to. right so...i saw clark brown, chris rittelmeyer (e before l?), erin lenarz, anna pursley, mary walters(i just said her name like twenty times and now i cant even remember if thats her real name...i think thats weird how you can trick your mind like that...i love you mary!), kaitlin rasburry, danny koehler, blake the SAE, blake the PDT, chadwick carroll, danIEL hickman, natalie smith, katie henry, kate o, louise, leigh anne, zach stovall, layne baxter, and i think thats all i can remember at the moment. see i remember more than i thought i might. haha. okay so...i'm pretty sure i drank more beer than i thought i could. i was also very hung over the next morning. ugh.
okay so im tired of talking about how mean i was on new years. haha. i got burned TWICE and got paid a dollar to pee in the parking deck. then i'm pretty sure i called mason and made a fool out of myself. god im like the worst drunk ever!
okay well now im going for reall!