2005 in books, movies and music

Jan 01, 2006 19:32

I've kept a list over everything I read since the beginning of 2004, and a year ago I posted my list for that first year. Now I've alphabetised the list (before that it was in chronological order), and this year I've added the books as I read them. It's been a somewhat crap year for books, though, as there were many long periods when I didn't read at all, for different (but mostly pathetic) reasons. So I read less this year than last year. (I guess you could say quality over quantity, etc, but I'd like both please thank you.) Since I have a thing for lists (really. I'm like that guy in Nick Hornby's High Fidelity.), I started listing CDs and movies too - though I'm far less a movie person than a music and book person, so I don't watch that many movies, really.
Finally, I just want to say: dear library. Thank you.

BOOKS 2004, 2005

* = Required reading for courses I've taken

(I've only included a few textbooks)

The underlined books are the ones I read this year.


Amis, Kingsley - Lucky Jim

Amis, Martin - Experience: A Memoir

Amis, Martin - The Information

Amis, Martin -  The War Against Cliché: Essays and Reviews 1971-2000

Atwood, Margaret - Surfacing

Austen, Jane - Pride and Prejudice


Baugh, Albert C, and Thomas Cable - A History of the English Language *

Banville,  John - Shroud

Banville, John - The Sea

Beckett, Samuel - Endgame *

Beckett, Samuel - En attendant Godot *

Begag, Azouz - Le gone du Chaâba *

Bellow, Saul - The Actual

Bjørneboe, Jens - Norge, mitt Norge

Borger, Julian - England, England

Boucher, David - Dylan and Cohen: Poets of Rock and Roll

Bradbury, Malcolm, and Richard Ruland - From Puritanism to Postmodernism: A History of American Literature

Bradbury, Malcolm - History Man

Bradbury, Malcolm - No, Not Bloomsbury

Bradbury, Malcolm - The Modern British Novel

Brettell, Richard R - Modern Art 1851-1929: Capitalism and Representation

Brøgger, Susanne - Crème Fraiche

Brink, André - Language and Narrative From Cervantes to Calvino

Bukowski, Charles - What Matters the Most is How Well You Walk Through the Fire


Calvino, Italo - If on a Winter's Night a Traveller

Carey, John - Pure Pleasure: A Guide to the Twentieth Century's Most Enjoyable Books

Carlsen, Jørn (ed.) - O Canada: Essays on Canadian Literature and Culture

Cavaney, Graham - Screaming With Joy: the Life of Allen Ginsberg

Coetzee,  J.M. -  Waiting for the Barbarians *

Coetzee,  J.M - The Lives of Animals

Conrad, Joseph - Heart of Darkness


Dawsey, Darrel - Living to Tell About it: Young Black Men in America Speak Their Piece

De Beauvoir, Simone - Det annet kjønn [Le deuxième sexe]

DeLillo, Don - White Noise

Dickens, Charles - Hard Times *

Duras, Marguerite - Moderato Cantabile *


Eagleton, Terry - Literary Theory: An Introduction

Eagleton, Terry - After Theory

Eliot, T.S. - The Waste Land and Other Poems


Faludi, Susan - Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women

Faludi, Susan - Stiffed: The Betrayal of the Modern Man

Faulkner, William - The Sound and the Fury

Foer, Jonathan Safran - Everything is Illuminated

French, Marilyn - The Women's Room


Garner, Robert  (ed.) - Animal Rights: The changing debate

Golding, William - Pincher Martin

Gordon, Martin - Hen and the Art of Chicken Maintenance: Reflections on Raising Chickens

Green, Hannah - I Never Promised You a Rose Garden

Greene, Graham - The Quiet American

Greer, Germaine - The Whole Woman

Groult, Benoîte - Les trois quarts du temps


Hertz, Marianne M. -  Sultens paradoks - viden og tendenser om anoreksi og bulimi

Hollinghurst, Alan - The Line of Beauty

Hornby, Nick - A Long Way Down

Hurston, Zora Neale - Their Eyes Were Wathing God

Hustvedt, Siri - What I loved


Ishiguro, Kazuo  - The Unconsoled

Ishiguro, Kazuo  - When We Were Orphans

Ishiguro, Kazuo  - The Remains of the Day


James, Edward - Science Fiction in the Twentieth Century

James, Henry - The Portrait of a Lady

Jameson, Fredric - A Singular Modernity: Essay on the Ontology of the Present

Jones, Peter (ed.) - Imagist Poetry *

Jourde, Pierre - La littérature sans estomac

Joyce, James - The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man *


Kaysen, Susanna - Girl, Interrupted

Kennedy, A.L - Everything you Need

Kennedy, A.L - Paradise

Kövecses, Zoltan - Metaphor. An Introduction *

Kundera, Milan - The Unbearable lightness of Being


Lahiri, Jhumpa - The Namesake

Laye, Camara - L'enfant noir *

Leader, Zachary (ed.) - On Modern British Fiction

Levenson, Michael - A Genealogy of Modernism: A Study of English Literary Doctrine 1908-1922  (*)

Lodge, David - The Art of Fiction

Lubbock, Peter - The Craft of Fiction (*)

Lorentsen, Jørgen - Maskulinitet


Madox Ford, Ford - The Good Soldier *

McCarthy, Cormac - No Country For Old Men

McEwan, Ian - Saturday

McEwan, Ian - Atonement

Murdoch, Iris - The Bell

Moi, Toril - Sexual/Textual Politics


Nabokov, Vladimir - Lolita

Nabokov, Vladimir - Pnin

Niemi, Mikael - Populærmusikk fra Vittula

Nugent, Benjamin - Elliott Smith and the Big Nothing


O' Casey, Sean- The Silver Tassie *

O' Hagan, Andrew  - Personality

Owens, Bill - Suburbia  [photos]


Pierre, DB - Vernon God Little

Postman, Neil - Vi morer oss til døde

Poulin, Jacques - Volkswagen Blues *

Proulx, Annie - That Old Ace in the Hole



Racine, Jean - Phèdre *

Raban, Jonathan - Waxwings

Rhys, Jean - Wide Saragasso Sea

Richler, Emma - Feed my Dear Dogs

Rowe, John Carlos (ed.) - Post-Nationalist American Studies


Salinger, J.D. - The Catcher in the Rye

Sansom, Ian - Ring Road

Satrapi, Marjane - Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood

Satrapi, Marjane - Persepolis II: The Story of a Return

Sartre, Jean-Paul - Eksistensialisme er humanisme *

Shakespeare, William - Twelfth Night *

Bernard Shaw, George  - Pygmalion *

Shelley, Mary -  Frankenstein*

Shields, Carol - Unless

Shipler, David K. - The Working Poor: Invisible in America

Skårderud, Finn - Sterk/Svak: Håndbok i spiseforstyrrelser

Smith, Murray - Trainspotting [BFI modern classics]

Spark, Muriel - The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie

Stevenson, Nick - Understanding Media Cultures: Social Theory and Mass Communication


Thompson, Craig - Blankets: an Illustrated Novel

Toews, Miriam - A Complicated Kindness

Truss, Lynne - Eats Shoots & Leaves - The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation


Updike, John - Rabbit Run


Vidal, Gore - The City and the Pillar

Voltaire - Candide

Vågnes, Øyvind - Ingen skal sove i natt


Waugh, Evelyn - The Loved One

Wells, H.G. - War of the Worlds

Wells, H.G. - The Invisible Man

Woolf, Virginia  - To the Lighthouse *

Woolf, Virginia  - A Room of One's Own

Woolf, Virginia  - Mrs. Dalloway *

Wurtzel, Elizabeth - Bitch: In Praise of Difficult Women







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