May 18, 2003 05:04
Jebus, the time keep flying by, and I can barely keep track of what day it is, my rent is going unpaid, and my will seems to be the only thing keeping this house standing.
And I'm loving every minute of it.
I got fired from my lousy job about a month ago, and it was probably the best thing that ever happened to me. My boss was a drug addicted loser, and his personal problems were dumped on me for the simple fact that he couldn't handle his own daily drama. It was like working for a ten year old. If he had a cold, I got screamed at for whatever excuse he could make up on the spot. However, when he started accusing me of being late, when I had documented proof otherwise, I'd had it. When he fired me (over one of the most ridiculous arguments we've ever had), I felt that a thousand pound weight removed from my chest. I danced all the way home.
The dickhead then apparently went straight to my landlord to tell him I was fired.
Only problem with that is that my landlord knew what and asshole my boss is, and has been completely supportive since.
However, it's been nearly a month now, and I'm still in the same boat I was a month ago. I've applied to every open position I've found, averaging about a dozen a day, with not one call for an interview. My friends keep finding job leads for me, but nothing seems to pan out. I'm not panicking, but with my unemployment checks still not here, and with dog food supplies running low, I'm getting a little nervous. My suit is cleaned, my shoes polished, and my briefcase is dusted. I'm ready.
Anything would be better than what I had to deal with from my old company. When I've talked with headhunters and staffing firms, they were always shocked to find out how much I made at my last position. My pay (with no sick time, vacation, or benefits mind you) was about 4 times LESS than the going rate. If I were to start a job tomorrow doing less than I was with them, I'd be making more money than I have in the whole four years I was with them combined. How's that for fair?
Until something turns up, I'll just keep going with the new album. I'm about 3/4 the way there already.. Sirius is also getting a daily romp at the dog park for a few hours at time. Thanks for keeping me company during the late nights of studio work Brandi!