Nov 03, 2005 21:51
I found the dead mouse today, little skeleton with fluff falling off it. Poor little bastard had been 'flattened' because Red's Mum made us put poision down rather than humane traps. Poision corrodes their insides. Nice.
I suspected I'd done a bad thing at Joe's Halloween party, but couldn't remember what, so when I went round the other day to get my umbrella, and was told that I had spent an hour throwing stuff at Randal's window and shouting to try and get him up to watch DVDs at 6am, and that they were all (quite rightly) jolly cross. Oh well, just another drunken wanker incident to add to my list! I think they're cool with it now, but I don't remember it, and that just brings back awful (non)memories of the WORST time at that BBQ...
Celia, friend from English last year, is of no fixed abodeat the moment, so is going to stay with us for a bit from tomorrow afternoon - that should be fun, at least. And I'm going to Maxine's on Saturday for bonfire night, so all is good!