one girls opinion, but its also everyone I have ever met's opinion....

Apr 18, 2004 00:54

Posted: Mar 3 2004, 04:05 AM

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This is my final post on this site. Someone has been sending me cheerful little notes and gifts in my e-mail and they are currently being traced down. They tried to bump the mails to make it look like they were coming from this site. After the appalling speech Kerry gave today considering the corporate world I am more than happy to oblige.

It is a shame that anybody, let alone someone elected to work in the public's interest would put the priorities of a non-entity over the rights of the people. So, as a result of this election, with both candidates of the major parties being pro-corporation, we will continue to see an outsourcing of jobs, abuses of the people's consumer rights by corporatations, and no end to litigation and frivolous copyright and patent suits of which we all will pay the price for, both with our money and our freedom.

I want to live in a world where I can listen to a song without having to pay for it everytime. Where I can watch my favorite television show even if I miss it through time-shift recording (covered under the Home Recording Act). And where I can legally make a back-up of my legally purchased material.

Thanks to laws that were bought for by the RIAA and MPAA and were voted into law by our politicians, a law that today Mr. Kerry chose to speak up for, it doesn't look like that consumers paradise will happen anytime soon.

This is what is going to happen. The RIAA is going to continue suing P2P users until they run out of people who download their music then they will start to sue other users as well (they already have, twice). The MPAA is going to join in on the "sue-the-world campaign" so all the fan-fiction, movies, trailers, television episodes, cartoons both homemade and aired, and scripts will all disappear. What a drab and lifeless web it will be.

Not over yet. The broadcast flag is about to be implemented that will prevent you from recording a show at home and watching it at a friends house. Or having a friend tape a show for you because it is on at the same time as another show you just have to tape. You won't be able to transfer shows from your TIVO to your computer for burning anymore either.

Then there is the "trusted computing" which will "micro-"charge you every time you visit a site. Requiring every program and file to have a registration number in order to work. If you transfer a data file from your home computer to your laptop, guess what, not going to work.

Then the one that just killed me. "Smart-chips" in our television. The MPAA in all their bloated glory will be allowed to sit in their Ivory Towers and shut down your television if the smart-chip says you are watching something you're not supposed to, whether it be a borrowed DVD, a broadcast television show that you didn't pay for (that's right, paying for broadcast television, yeeesh!) or a home movie that wasn't registered with the copyright nazis.

And let's not forget our libraries. They will virtually become a Blockbusters with Books. When's the last time you had to pay to read Charles Dickens? Better get used to it.

Take your pick in which world you want to live in, mine with freedom to watch and listen to your own products that you bought and paid for or the drab, boring, Big Brother-esque world that Corporate America has planned for you.

I'd write some more but, I've got to go download some free independent music from some non-P2P sources before the Corporations take that away too.

Return the public domain back to the public!

"I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore."

"My angelic sword is sharpened and looking for vengeance on some corporate dopes. Oops. Wings just knocked over the monitor."
-- me on another forum. should have read it, it was cool.
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