Apr 02, 2010 20:25
I just realized some of my non Bleach stuff has been ending up on the various Bleach groups I am a part of. I am seriously sorry for that. I did not intend for it to be crossposted like that without me actually going to the group and posting it there. Please forgive me. I am probably going to have to make an account specifically for Bleach fan stuff.
Let me know if you are interested in seeing it and I will add you as friends.
Also please someone tell me how stuff gets transferred around here on LJ so I can keep things on topic (not all of my Bleach stuff belongs in all the Bleach groups I am part of due to certain pairings etc). This is exactly what I was afriad of would happen when the first story I posted ended up only accessible by me and I was told to make it accessible to everyone.
Also I seriously, seriously apologize and humbly ask forgiveness if ANY of this stuff has ended up on Food Porn (an innocent group for foodies and recipe sharing, not a fetish group). So way off topic and blatantly not allowed there!
I'll go sulk back to a corner somewhere and try to cover my shame now.