May 11, 2012 19:49
Going on 196-197 (89.35 kg) lbs now. This is the first time I have been under 200 (90.7) since before high school. I am at my middle school weight when I was 14. My clothes don't fit anymore because I am now too thin to wear anything I own.
I recalculated my goal from 180 (81.6) to 150lbs (68.03). It seems so much more obtainable now.
After I am down to that, I will have lost the weight of an entire adult human being!
All I've been doing is exercising and watching my calories. No real change of diet.
If you are trying to lose weight:
I highly recommend checking out My Fitness Pal app for Smart phones or IPOD if you have one. It is a program that lets you keep track of your calories and they have a large food library to pick from, as well as lets you add your own recipes and copy food labels. If you have a camera on the device you can even take pictures of the nutrition labels. This program with my exercising has led to me dropping 30lbs (13.6) in a mere 4 months. Also the App is free.
Of course checking with your doctor about how much calories you should be eating (and sticking to it) is a good idea first! The program just is so much more convenient than carrying and writing everything you eat down on a food diary.
fucking awesome,