Wanting to write Isshin/Ryuuken

Jul 22, 2011 23:41

but having some issues working out what exactly to do with them. If you have some good fic recs I could familiarize myself with the two of them, or ideas please send them my way.

Right now I am imagining a reflective or nostalgic scene between the two of them standing on the edge of a forested clearing. Ryuuken smoking. At some place that at one time in their childhood (or his presuming that Isshin, being an ex captain must be much older than Ryuuken) the quincy did not want the shinigami to know about. A private sanctuary of his, so to speak.

Not sure how much M/M would be in it, right now leaning towards a PG-13 rating R if I go into any horrific violence (ie remembering the torture of his father, the violence of the shinigami towards the quincies etc.) Hoping to keep the fic short and sweet (haha I tldr too much) with only enough innuendo to let the reader know that the two of them had a little more going on so many years ago, than simply a friendly rivalry.

Possible references to current Ichigo/Ishida (though nothing detailed. I still don't want to delve into Ichigo's private life).


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