Apr 29, 2012 09:16
Saw The Cabin in the Woods last night and seriously cannot recommend it enough.
You don’t even have to be a big horror fan or know anything about the movie going into it (I had no idea what the plot was and it was amazing coming into it blind like that and watching it unfold) to have a whole hell of a lot of fun. Even if you’ve only seen an 80s slasher movie or two that’s all the horror background you need (though if you’re a bigger horror fan there’s lots of delicious wink winking thrown your way), and unlike lots of recent stuff what gore or violence there is downplayed, off-screne, or highlighted instead for it’s utter cheesiness (really sensible as the movie is partly Joss Whedon’s “loving hate letter” to the recent trend in torture porn).
Smart writing, great acting, lots of amazing cameos, Tarantino-esque in some of its shots, genre-savve, meta tastic to the max, funny as all hell and a movie the whole audience can really get their cheer on for. What a great way to start the summer.