Jan 16, 2005 21:49
Don't you hate it when it seems like you are being held down or people are trying to tame you? Why can't they just let you be and let you do your own thing. Just because you aren't doing what they want you to do or what everyone else is doing it is like a fucking federal case. But you know what i don't care what they think i am going to do it anyways. I just want to be something called an individual but apparently some people have a problem with it and try to make me what they would like me to be. What the fuck. Its not going to happen. I am not going to change so you just better give up.
And I hate all these rules that are constantly in my face. This is America. We are supposed to have freedom but we don't. We are all supposed to be equal but we aren't. For example can I vote? No I can't. Does that make me equal to the people who can. No. Can I go drive a car? No I can't do that either. So whatever. And in that case should we burn the constitution and rewrite it. Yes. I mean don't get me wrong i am not saying i hate America because i feel that those who do should get the hell out, but its kind of contradicting.
And on another note I am extremely bothered about boyfriends who don't return their freaking calls. Expecially when you are calling because you are worried to death about them. Why I won't say. But I am. And right now it seems to me like a huge waste of time. Why do i care so much? Why do i get so attached to people? Its all pointless in the end right? Its like i am so close to just giving up. I put my all into it for nothing is what it seems to be.
Summary Analysis:
Fuck the mainstream, freedom doesn't exist anywhere, and sometimes boyfriends suck
So there you have it....a wonderful rant. Hoorah for Kassi