Dec 19, 2007 16:12
So far, this winter break has been very detrimental to my schedule - or what resembled any kind of schedule; we've been going to bed at 3 in the morning and getting up between noon and 13:00. Yesterday we had to go to Portland, so we thought that having slept for only five hours the night before (went to bed at the now-usual 3 in the morning and had to get up at 8) we'd be exhausted and go to sleep around midnight, at the latest, thus restoring our more normal schedule. Unfortunately, we were so exhausted and drank, apparently, so much caffeine (only three or four cups of black tea over the course of an entire day), that when midnight, and then 1 in the morning rolled around, we were, yet again, not tired, and went to sleep around 3. Needless to say, today we got up super late again.
This course of events is really upsetting, considering this weekend we have to get up at 7 both on Saturday and Sunday for our zoo-camp training. Speaking of zoo-camp, I'm really looking forward to the camp itself, but reaaaaaaaaaaaaally not looking forward to dragging around nine 4- and 5-year olds (occasionally, 3-year olds and 6-year olds get in there, too), who are cold, tired, and wet in this lovely Oregon weather.