Brothers Grimm rambling

Aug 27, 2005 22:08

I just returned from seeing The Brothers Grimm. It was a very...ok movie. i have to say it was an ok movie because Terry Gilliam directed it. for those of you who the name didnt click for right away he was one of the many members of Monty Python. Some aspects of this movie was mighty interesting but like Van Helsing it had so much potential that they just sorta shat out. I liked the way they did the queen and her wanting eternal youth, mixing her with the ever magic mirror as well as the Rapunzel senario. sometimes they did a really good job of mixing up the fairy tales like that. and i like the way they took the "12th" girl. I didn't like the acting for it at all, the way they did some of the times was kinda like "Wtf". Then you have the whole aspect of "france occupied Germany" so thusly in the movie there is random french involvement. in this movie the french serve as the "random guys that get killed" and sorta threat to the brothers grimm. Again i enjoyed the aspects of the movie and by that i mean the way they combinded MOST of the fairy tales. BUT overall it was another van helsing flop in my eyes except it wasnt as amusing because van helsing was supposed to be scary and it wasn't it was just cheesily amusing.

a movie worth seeing once. and only once.
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