(no subject)

Apr 03, 2009 10:23


Viet's actually reading about this in class right now.

I think it's a good step, although I don't know how many cases it will affect. I guess just the ones that it can.

I know it seems pretty straightforward... I do believe a mother should be allowed to use deadly force *if necessary* to protect not only herself but her child... I can't imagine if I or someone I loved were to be attacked while pregnant and beaten in the stomach until miscarriage. And then to have the guy either get off on involuntary manslaughter or just dismissed...it would suck so hard.

I guess the thing is that it's a pregnant woman. It's not like she's got a lot of defenses. If she's being beaten to the point where she has to respond with force enough to save her child, it will probably end up either being deadly or harmful enough to get the guy to back off. It's not like she has many other options...considering she's not that physically primed for fighting him off. And that's scary...because it's saying the guy's life is forfeit over the child's. But then again, if he's beating a pregnant lady, he has it coming if she stabs him.

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