Aug 25, 2002 01:14
yesterday i break up with jonathan. he asks me for another chance. i give it to him. we had plans to b together today since cuz he SUPPOSEDLY MISSED ME SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH when he was in Florida. so ok today i went to taKe a shower n i saw he called so i called him back. he wasnt home so ok. he was suppose to call me at 12 anyway to see if i can go to his house later cuz he had to go "shopping" for school with his mom in the morning. did he call me? no. he left me waiting like a fucking moron. so alright. i already noe what im gonna do. his chance is GONE. its 1 am now, has he called? AHAHAH yea right. and me being stupid, called him at around 11, and of course he wasnt home. so hes prolly downstairs of his building chillin with his "friends". so okay. stay calm nancy, stay calm. but jonathans chance is gone. this is the end.