Apr 18, 2011 13:36
RT: You'Re Back ON.
RT: That Was Fast
TA: yeah
TA: 2orry
TA: had to cha2e down my giirlfriiend
TA: 2orry bout that
TA: anyway
RT: Yes
RT: Are You Willing To Explain Earlier?
TA: well depend2
TA: what do you wanna know?
RT: You Mentioned Something That Could Help Us
TA: oh...that yeah can we 2kiip that for now? iim 2tiill not 2ure ii 2hould to22 that on you.
TA: iit2 not exactly...
TA: well iit2 not the BEST 2olutiion
TA: more liike a la2t re2ort
RT: Is It The Only Solution?
TA: not 2ure really. iit depend2 on what your 2iituatiion ii2.
TA: by the look2 of thiing2 you got 2ome tiime
TA: 2o
RT: Yes, But She Is Already 7 Sweeps And The Imperial Drones Will Come Eventually
TA: at the moment
RT: We Need A Solution
TA: yeah that ii2 a problem.
TA: well ii 2uppo2e ii could tell you but iit2....rii2ky ii 2uppo2e you can 2ay.
RT: Risky But Not A Definate Like Her Current Situation
TA: oh no iit2 a DEFINATE rii2k
TA: a2 iin
TA: iif you dont do iit riight
TA: your dead
TA: no retry2
RT: Yes, I Understand. Come You Give A Layout Of What Will Happen If We Try This Way?
RT: *Can
TA: nn....iim really 2keptiical about thii2...but alriight
TA: youll be yanked away from Alterniia
TA: and put on another planet.
TA: hou2e and all
TA: :/
RT: Sounds Inturiging
RT: How Does This Help Her Blood Color?
TA: Imperiial drone2 cant fiind you
TA: that2 how
RT: A Defeinete Plus. What Is The Risk?
RT: Outside Of Leaving The Planet
TA: there2 a tiime liimiit to gettiing you iin. iif you run out of tiime, you diie.
RT: How Do You Get In Then?
TA: well you need a 2erver player.
TA: 2o ii 2uppo2e that you would be her2
TA: or 2he can be your2
TA: iit doe2n't matter really
RT: Hmm... Is There Any Way To Return? I'm Not Fond One Only Having One Troll For Company 'Till The End Days
TA: yeah....at the moment we havent found one yet
TA: not that we ant one anyway.
TA: want even.
TA: crap
TA: 2orry
TA: anyway
RT: You Are Not On Alternia?
TA: not anymore we arnt
RT: Would We Be Joining Your Group Then?
TA: At the 2tart no you would have your own 2e22iion
TA: but eventually ii thiink you'd be able to
RT: So Long As We Don't Die
RT: I Will Think On THis And Bring It Up To Her If It Still Sounds Viable After Concideration
TA: well ii can't guarentee you WONT but at lea2t you wont diie by the drone and you wiill have alot, and ii mean, ALOT of tiime to work on iit
TA: well...you miight be old enough...
RT: ...How Long Have You Been In Your Session?
TA: diid anyone ever tell you about the meteor cra2h a few year2 ago?
TA: 3 or 4 year2.
RT: There Were Vauge Murmurs But It Was No Where Near Here
TA: yeah...
TA: that
TA: wa2 cau2ed by the method iim telliing you about
TA: now let me a2k you thii2
TA: ever hear of Sgrub
RT: Yes. I Am Not One For Gaming However
TA: well 2tart kiid. That game miight be the only way to 2ave your a22.
TA: and your very luck
TA: lucky even
TA: cu2 iim the one that made iit
RT: You Made A Game That Sent Meteors Chrashing Into A Planet?
TA: ^.^;
RT: I'M In Awe. Almost
TA: yeah that part wa2nt me
TA: exactly...
TA: iit2 hard to explaiin
TA: but the poiint iit
TA: ii2 even
TA: iit miight be the only way for you to 2urviive.
RT: Very Well. I Shall Bring It Up To Sothan. I Do Believe She Will Take You Up On The Offer.
RT: How Long Will we Have To Enter Once We Start?
TA: that depend2 on the player.
RT: :/
TA: the lea2t amount of tiime ii2 an hour
TA: and iif you do thiing2 riight iit 2houldnt really take even THAT long
TA: but you would be 2urprii2ed
TA: look kiid ii dont really want to ru2h you wiith thii2
RT: One Last Question, Before I Need To Think
TA: iit2 a pretty hard choiice to make
TA: but
TA: okay 2hot
TA: 2hoot even
TA: fuck my typo2 gog..
RT: What Is The Point Of The Game? It Sounds Silly That It Would Be To End Up Somewhere... Waiting
TA: iit would take more tiime to explaiin then you have. liike ii 2aiid iim not tryiing to ru2h you but your on a tiime liimiit here kiid. you better hurry up becau2e tho2e drone2 arnt to far away
RT: Shit. As In, They Are Coming NOW?
TA: you got about 2 maybe 3 hour2.
RT: >:( Your Wanrings A Head Of Time Are Appreciated.
-- reachingThreads [RT] ceased pestering twinArmageddons [TA] at 10:28 --