Mar 05, 2006 21:58
im so happy i was invited to a family members b-day party. that was bull shit im family and his friends were invited and not me. i asked beth y not and she says i was but i know for a fact i was NOT invited. whatever im not goting to the wedding either. she wants to tell everyone what my life is then go a head beth what the fuck am i doing tomarow? hmmmmm lets see i have to work at 3:30 did u fucking know that bitch. mark u my family and thos boys r my family but im telling u now u can marrie her all u want but she will NEVER be my family. and for her to tell ppl at church im not going back is bull shit. i an going back i have to do it on a day off thanx verry fucking much. so that fat bitch can fuck off and go to hell for all i care because she is not a friend or my family. friends and family dont do that to each other.