Sep 16, 2004 17:39
It's kind of funny how your parents tell your that once you move out and are on your own, you'll start missing the days of when you were in school. Thats bullshit. Yes, sometimes I do miss it, considering looking back now school was easy as fuck, but living on your own in my opinion is so much better, because you can live life the way you wish. Don't get me wrong, its no bed of roses, in fact its as hard as hell, most of the time i have to plan ahead as to where my next meal is coming from, but overall, i wouldnt trade my freedom for anything.
This is my life, and I'm going to work for what I get, and earn my right to do whatever the fuck I want.
Also, be able to party every night of the week without worrying is pretty badass on its own. Its just when you go to work the next morning that you kinda regret it.