Today Is My Birthday!

Jan 07, 2004 00:18

I got all kinds of cool shit, my favorite being a sweater that Heathcliff Huxtable(Bill Cosby) would wear in a second. I love cosby. I have been totally irresponsible lately. Then I get all mad at myself, which makes me depressed, which makes me sit around more instead of doing what's important. The whole viscous cycle thing. When I don't like myself it keeps me from sleeping, I have all this shit to worry about and be angy about and it keeps me up allllll night. Terrible.

HOWEVER, tomorrow is the turn around. I will be waking early(9 am) to jog with my bro nate, then a hair cut around 10-10:30, THEN off to lunch w/mama and grandma, next is stockton to plead with the probation officer, then back to motown to see d.u.i. school people. After that, slidin' home to clean and have a couple friends over.

My bank accound has over nine hundred dollars in it!!!!!!!!!!!
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