Make Some Noise.

Nov 23, 2010 20:44

Guys. Okay, guys, listen, guys. This is important, okay, gu--guys, no, listen, okay? Listen.

Guys, I'm a Killjoy. 8|

OKAY SO, first things first for people in the dark, I'm a pretty big MCR fan. I think The Black Parade is one of the greatest albums I've ever heard. It's a masterpiece. And because it's a concept album, with a story and everything, the fanbase had a whole little obsession thing and such, and they'd be all "YEAH, I'M IN THE BLACK PARADE, GUYS" because music does that. Well, MCR is very sort of community-ish and more than just the music, so it does that especially. I was not one of these people who was super-obsessed-deep-in-the-fandom. I love The Black Parade, yeah. I love the art, I love the style, I love the story, I love the message. It's probably my favourite album.

You may or may not be aware that their fourth album, Danger Days, came out yesterday. The band have totally changed their style (bright, chaotic, colourful) and it's a total new thing, and a lot of the other old fans are up in arms about it.

Me? I love it.

I've been working on my third DSP project today, where we had to make some magazine pages, and I chose to do mine on the new album release, and I got to do all this research into it for articles and pictures and interviews and oh God, my fannishness came slamming back to me, but EVEN HARDER than it ever has.

Oh God it's wonderful, guys. It's energetic and everything and the storyline/artistic concept part of it, it's DYSTOPIA AND RAY GUNS, GUYS, THAT'S SOME COOL SHIT RIGHT THERE. It's perfect and lovely and Mikey went blond, wtf, and redhead!Gerard is officially the best Gerard ever. It just fits his playful side more, man. I don't give a shit if I'm being all super-squee-fanboy either. Haters gon' hate, this shit is fucking fabulous.

And I've not even listened to the whole album yet. This is just me going off the artistic concepts. MCR is about art, man, Gerard IS an artist above everything else. And it's new and shiny and wonderful and I've just sort of divebombed into the Killjoy fandom. Expect many nerdings and fangasming and shameless mini-obsessions at some stage. :| You have been warned.

I'm a Killjoy. Killjoys never die.

Oh bby.

Shut up I am totally allowed to dork about something other than FMA once in a while. XD

wtf self, lololol, fangasm, oh my god, ahaha i'm such a dork

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