Mar 27, 2007 15:01
I read 4 more books, but I just don't have the energy to list them right now. :P
Spring is bursting forth here in Utah, though it looks as though we'll have one more winter storm tonight. I hope so, simply so more of the mosquito larvae will DIE! I am more excited for this Spring/Summer than I have been any other year in the past. We are going to have so much fun taking Mr. Picklesworth out to festivals and parks and swimming, etc! He's only 8 months old (next week) so he won't remember this year, but WE will remember! Being a parent is scary as anything, but one little giggle from my boy makes it all worth it. <3
Updates on my boy: He is now past crawling; the new excitement/challenge is pulling himself up to standing by grabbing onto the couch/coffee table/etc. and grabbing anything he can. We have had to rearrange the living room a few times. Now we need a shield for the DVD player. c_c He has had his first few real boo-boos from falling down. MARKS OF AN ADVENTURER!!! (I keep telling myself that so I don't feel bad.) He loves to eat solids, and his tastes are expanding every week. I have actually been making my own home-made babyfood the last few days! Anyone who really knows me will faint after reading that. ;D He is still a very happy baby, all smiles and laughter... I am loving this, even though it is taking a lot more energy to keep up with him now.
He is also over one-third my height now. LOOK OUT! o_o
Nothing much else to report. My days revolve around my family, so there isn't much to tell. I'm the happiest I've ever been in my life though! Jonny is going to have to transfer to another department at work soon, and I hope he gets a position he will like. A company in Atlanta, GA offered him a job... We really don't know what to think about it though. I don't think I'd like moving so far away, and I've never lived anywhere but the West. o_O
A thunderstorm is starting up, so I better sign-off! Take care all. :)