and now, livejournal friends, some questions for you to reflect on:

Oct 22, 2009 17:26

In a little segment I like to call Reflections: 2009, I'm posing the following questions to you, to me, to anyone who cares to answer them:

1.  What inspires you?
2.  How have your values and goals changed since college?
3.  Do you have a five year plan?  or How do you feel about a five year plan?
4.  What makes you feel as though you've spent your time in a "worthwhile pursuit?"  Is this part of your career?
5.  What's something you would change about your life right now?
6.  Why haven't you made that change (if applicable)?
7. Who do you look up to/who are you inspired by?

Feel free to copy/paste these questions (and your responses) into an entry of your own, if you like.  If you don't like, well, that's fine, too.

I'll answer these in my next entry.

magical days

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