taken from lorna.

Apr 10, 2005 22:08

Known as: rachel
Lives in: currently- east lansing; in three weeks- fenton
Birthday: 09111886
School: michigan state university
Shoe size: eight
Hair color: brown
Eye color: gray

* section 2 - have you ever... *

Cheated on someone?: yes
Been Cheated on?: yes
Fallen off the bed?: yes
Broken someone's heart?: yes
Had your heart broken?: yes
Had a dream come true?: yes
Done something you regret?: no
Cheated on a test?: yes

* section 3 - currently *

Wearing?: my strawberry shortcake slippers, ae jeans, underwear, white wife beater, and spartans sweatshirt
Chatting with?: no one
Watching?: grey's anatomy
Should REALLY be doing?: nothing- i have nothing to do.

* section 4 - do you... *

Brush your teeth?: often
Have any piercings?: uh huh
Have any tattoos?: nope.
Drive?: not as often as i'd like to
Drink?: yes.
Smoke?: occasionally
Got a cell?: yes.

* Section 5 - the last person you... *

Hugged?: my mommy
Kissed?: emily.
IMed?: uh... i can't remember.
Talked on the phone: danny.
Yelled at?: hmmm... i cannot remember.

* Section 6 - personal *

What do you want to be when you grow up?: i don't know... a secretary?
What has been the best day of your life?: i've had so many good ones... last friday was pretty good... and every day of spring break was amazing... then there are those fun days of senior year... and good friday of 2002... hmm... i've had MANY best days.
What comes first in your life?: family & friends
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?: definitely a crush and kinda a boyfriend.
What are you most scared of?: being alone.
What do you usually think about before you go to bed: someone's pretty blue eyes.
How many times have you fallen in love?: maybe once.
Love your family?: of course!
Love your friends?: of course!

* section 7 - favorite *

Movie: closer, garden state, new waterford girl, amelie, eternal sunshine, etc.
Song: get low by lil john and the east side boyz and bowl of oranges by bright eyes
Band: bright eyes.
Store: american eagle, abercrombie, wet seal... anywhere that has nice jeans and cute tops.
Relative: my sister!
Sport: frisbee!
ice Cream Flavor: i don't know.
Candy: reisens.
Day of the Week: wednesday!
Time: 11:11
Color: purple right now
Name for a Girl: rianne
Name for a Boy: je ne sais pas.

* section 8 - do you *

Like to give hugs?: yes
Like to give kisses?: uh huh
Like to walk in the rain?: sometimes.
Prefer black or Blue: blue
Sleep on your side, stomach or back?: it changes every night.
Have a goldfish?: nopers.
Ever have the falling dream?: yes.
Have stuffed animals?: not at school but in linden, yes.

* section 9 - what do you think about... *

Abortion: i am wearing a button that reads, "i'm pro-choice, and i vote"
Suicide: can't imagine how it could be good
Smoking: sure... on occasion.
Summer: YAY!!!!!!
Tattoos: cute when done tastefully.
Piercings: see above.

* section 10 - this or that *

Pierced nose or tongue?: septum
Single or taken?: in between, but techinally single
MTV or BET?: MtvU
7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek?: 7th Heaven
Sugar or salt?: sugar
Silver or gold?: silver
Chocolate or flowers?: flowers
Color or Black photos: black & white
M&Ms or Skittles?: hmm... skittles.
Stay up late or sleep in?: both!
Hot or cold?: hot
Mustard or ketchup?: ketchup FOR SURE!
Wonder or amazement?: aren't they the same thing?
Mexican or Italian: italian
Candy or Soda?: soda
Pepsi or Coke?: diet coke
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