Nov 11, 2004 01:27
1. a lot and not a lot has happened all at the same time.
2. i've discovered some awesome artists lately.
3. also, i've kinda gotten back into the writing thing. i was in a two year slump. but don't worry, what put me in the slump is gone now.
4. amy sent me a letter today, and it made my day!
5. my mom also sent me a card with twenty bucks!
6. i saw that i had two pieces of mail and yelled, "take that, emily!" haha, she always gets mail.
7. these new colors are supposed to be kinda wintery. i'd been trying to hold back until AT LEAST december for a winter color scheme, but then i came across this icon and couldn't hold myself back.
8. i have two exams next week that i really should start studying for. there's just so much stuff i'd rather do.
9. tonight diego, sean, and i had coffee. i really had a good time. those two boys are two of my very favorite people to hang out with.
10. my mom is taking me out to breakfast this morning... in seven and a half hours, actually. man, getting up is going to be hard in seven hours.. heh.
11. i haven't been sleeping well (again). i keep waking at about 6 am and having a rough time falling back to sleep. that's no good at all.
12. i love my friends because they really, really, really love me. thanks for being here, guys.
13. that's about it.