Queen Ishiji came to the facility asking for a cure for her daughter's deep, semi-permanent scar. When conventional attempts to heal her child failed, Ishiji asked to be infused herself so she could try despite warnings of the dangers of majicka. The facility tasked their greatest talent in SOLUTIONS, S'kili, with making a more powerful Ki-jaara creation solution than the ones they had on hand.
Despite specializing in the exact opposite of what she was being asked to do, she complied and created a very powerful KI-JAARA SOLUTION (which is red). Unfortunately for everyone, the majicka corruption went almost completely unchecked and Ishiji lost herself to insanity.
S'kili tried to stop Ishiji, who had chosen to go by "Iiji", but she was held down and forced to take a RED SOLUTION herself. She refused to tell majicka her desires, so she was given a mix of attributes. She gained SPEED and FREEZING MAJICKA, and also some FLIGHT ability. This transformation took away her thumbs and made it so she would struggle to continue her science from then on.
She became one of the main majibeasts tasked with watching over the facility and pretended to be loyal to Iiji, all the while working on making a MAJICKA CURE that would undo her horrible mistake. She eventually realized that she would never be able to get the solution past Iiji's armored body, and instead began working on a plan B: Trapping Iiji and her Ki-jaara in a place where they could do no more harm.
It would seem her plan has succeeded, and she has left the facility seeking a place where she could live the rest of her life in peace. She had considered giving herself the CURE so she could seek out her child's descendants, but decided that she didn't deserve to find her family after what she had done.
Her current location isn't known.