Apr 25, 2005 13:28
alright kids, mark your calendars: friday, april 29 @ 7:30 pm - DRAMAFEST. Campbell Community Center. I'm tybalt in the advanced drama's "Romeo and Juliet in 15 minutes". Freshmen: it's funnier than what we took to your classes! I promise! And of course, to those of you who haven't seen me in forever, he's a wonderful chance! *cough*KELLY*cough*
I had fun this weekend. I missed Fez, but what else is new? Because impressionable young children read my blogs every once in a while, and i'd like to keep their respect and admiration, i'll just say this: I LOVE YOU DANIELE AND SHELI! no, seriously, you guys rock so much... you're like old people in the midwest that sit on their porches watching tumble weeds and yelling at kids to get off their property. Cuz they sit in rocking chairs. Get it? I should win an award for being so clever.
Note to self: EAT, drink, and be merry! lol.