Apr 24, 2008 14:39
1. When I was four years old I was sent to the school psychologist because my teachers thought I had ADD, OCD, and a small collection of phobias (spiders, storms, school, loud noises). Luckily, my mom thought this was bullshit, so she never agreed to put me in therapy or on medication. Obviously, I'm affected by none of these disordes (except for maybe the spider thing : / ).
2. When I was three my mom took me to Kroger and I saw black people for the first time. I bluntly pointed at them and asked in a loud voice "Mommy, why are those people brown?"
3. I used to think that if I thought really loudly, people could read my mind.
4. I am an existentialist.
5. My mom had the Period Talk with me when I was in fourth grade. I remember it very well because my brother and I were sent home with lice that day. We had the talk with my head in the sink and my mom scrubing at my scalp.
6. The night I saw Titanic, I couldn't sleep because my stomach felt weird. At one point, I got out of bed for a snack, because I thought I might be hungry. Now I know that it was the first time I was sick with saddness.
7. On September 11th, Erin called me after school. She mentioned that Travis Haig was riding his bike to the school park and she jokingly hoped he didn't get blown up. I didn't get it, so she told me about how terrorists had attacked New York and it was rumored that they were targeting schools. We laughed about Travis then because we didn't fully understand what was going on. Later that day, I saw footage of the Twin Towers collapsing and it hit me. After that, I helped my mom with the dishes and wrote letters to my closest friends, telling them how much they meant to me. I don't think I ever delivered those letters.
8. I often think "I want to go home" even when I'm at home. I don't think "home" has anything to do with location.
9. I love music. When I listen to the right song at the right time, I'm happier than I've ever been before.
10. I have a painful desire to create, but my creations often fall short. Sometimes, I feel like Salieri.