Freaky Dream

Feb 26, 2008 21:45

I was unusually pissed off today, so when I got home I took a three hour nap. During that nap, I had a really vivid dream.

I guess a bunch of people from our school were sent off to some private school - I'm not sure if it was actually a college or what - but I remember it was like a castle and the walls were made of a yellow-gold brick, and the windows were tall and thin, like the kind you'd find in a cathedral. Anyway, everyone lived on campus and I had a really cat-like pet tiger (^.^).

There was a class I was taking that had something to do with writting and the students were assigned to a classroom, but I decided I didn't want to do my work in the classroom, so a bunch of other people and I kept meeting somewhere else (like how we eat lunch at Churchill). The teacher didn't find out about it until the class temporarily relocated and the rest of us were forced to join them.

The teacher was angry that we didn't meet where we were supposed to, and I remember thinking the rule was ridiculous because we were all pretty much teaching ourselves anyway. During class, the teacher sent in some sort of administrator to watch me work, which annoyed me. When it was time to leave the class, I muttered something like "Finally" and got up to leave, but the administrator called me back. I turned around, obviously irritated, and he told me not to have such an attitude. I started to walk away again, and once again he called me back, but I didn't acknowledge him until I was at the door and he was shouting. He told me I needed to take things more seriously and have more respect for authority. I think my real-life mood began to affect the dream at this point, because I started to get really fed up. I told him to just leave me alone, and he got this really concerned look on his face and asked me if I was going to kill myself. I left the room at this point, pretty pissed.

I think a day passed, which is strange because that rarely happens with my dreams. I remember going to sleep and being woken up by my tiger, whose teeth had grown to an incredible length over night. She was still very affectionate to me, but no longer possesed her cat-like qualities. I took her with me to lunch with my friends. We ate on the grass in the middle of a courtyard and everyone was talking about some sort of contest that they thought my tiger could win. For some reason, I specifically remember her orange fur shining in the sun.

After lunch, I went back to the temporary writing classroom. The administrator was there again, and he was acting very sympathetic towards me, which made me angry again. I told him that just because I didn't agree with the rules, didn't mean I was depressed. He didn't seem to accept that, but after saying it, I felt better.

During class, people kept staring at me and the administrator kept trying to tell everyone how smart I was. At one point, someone opened a window to let in some fresh air and a giant bee flew in. I think it was mating with another bee, so it wasn't really one bee, but two. All of the students in the class started screaming, except for me, though I was still scared. The bees flew at me and started circling around my feet before flying back out the window. I got out of my seat and looked out after them to see the ghost of a small black boy hovering outside. The bees flew to his finger and he smiled at me before walking right through the wall below the window.

I remember being really excited about seeing a real ghost, and I told the class about it. The administrator asked me if I was sure I wasn't dreaming. I said yes, but I started to doubt myself and wonder if I really was dreaming (which I was, right?). When I left the classroom I met my friends in an elevator and told them about it. I remember thinking about Kingdom Hospital and the ghost of the little girl and the ant-eater. For some reason I compared it to the boy. When we got out of the elevator we were in the courtyard again, and I started looking for the ghost boy. I woke up before I could find him and for a moment, I thought it was all real.

I love to analyze dreams, but I'm not so sure I understand this one. However, I think it's clear that I've been watching too many episodes of Ghost Hunters :P
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