I like solid wooden doors. I like them thick and full of character. Especially hung in non-standard frames. The Phyrst, for example, has a wonderful door. The door to my apartment bedroom is a terrible violation of this aesthetic. It's the standard dimensions, which can only be expected for most internal doors, but it's made as cheaply as possible from half inch strips of pine and cardboard. I understand that this is a cheap apartment there are the accompaning perks and flaws of cheapness, but on a purely security level I don't think that cardboard should be a structural component of the barrier between me/my stuff and party goers/burglars/klepto housemates.
I say this partly because my friend (whose room I've borrowed/sub-letted this summer) had his door somewhat easily forced open while hosting a party. One of our female friends had had a lot to drink and my friend was giving her his bed to sleep in so she wouldn't have to try the walk home. He locked the door since falling asleep before a party ends is usually an open invitation for people to take pictures or draw on or otherwise harrass you while you're trying to sleep off the alcohol. Anyway, a gang of white knights somehow decided/got the impression that he was planning nefarious things for some poor, defenseless drunk girl and took it upon themselves to break open the door and punch him in the face. It was that evening that we discovered that his door was mostly hollow and cardboard. The problem isn't so much the gaggle of guys mistakenly trying to protect some girl's honor; I don't know what lurid hearsay they were acting upon. It's just that the whole issue could have been avoided if the door was substantial and secure.
I listened to Neil read his newberry-winning novel The Graveyard Book on
http://www.mousecircus.com/videotour.aspx I realize that this approximately equal to stealing the audiobook except with more flubbed words and pauses to drink water. I rationalize it by saying that I would have just read a 'free' copy at the carnegie library anyway, but that's giving me credit for a bit too much initiative.
I'll only be living here for another week, which is odd to think of. My summer break is finally coming. in August.