Jan 08, 2008 20:07
Saw I am Legend a few days ago and it got me thinking about humanity's idea of self worth. The idea that we will end ourselves in some cataclysmic is not new to humans, be it now or in our past. I doubt much will change in the future. Yet survival at any cost seems to be the idea- Human civilisation in any form over the loss of humanity as a whole.
But this is not so in my mind. Humans have chosen to place themselves above the natural processes of this world, above animals and all other things that are considered god's creations. The ego of humans has lead to the many and varied ways in which the people are wiped from this planet. So is it so bad that if we destroy ourselves, or if another species has the chance to take over our world,? Methinks not, as I do not perceive it as the greatest loss. The idea of humanity and not the species is what I'd wish to see survive. though many would say that humanity itself is conceived from the basis of being human, to myself it has become about the moral, spiritual and conceptual beliefs that humans have become to idealise moreso than what we as individuals live as. Society is only as good as it's individuals, and to me, most people are more likely to "go with whatever is there" than to choose a more "honorable" or "moral" solution.
To keep this short, I question whether we as a society are worthy in our own ideals of survival into the future or if it is just our base survival instinct that helps us presume that our survival is what is best for the universe or even god (dependant on existance)