Feb 19, 2011 13:37

 But the red hair needs flailing HAHAHHAA. I need a red hair Mr. Gyoza as wallpaper already. Shall make it when I have the time to.

When this scene started and the cameras panned in I immediately repeated this part already HAHAHHAHA, even though the song has not started. Seriously, so pretttttttttttttttttttty!!!! Even though I did not feel that this vocal performance was really good - Massu's especially, his high notes at the end of the song were quite off. His performance at Music Fair was much better! BUT BEING THE SUPERFICIAL ME (HAHAHHAHA), I cannot get over how cute his entire look is. The MSta set was so beautiful there was even an aoi bench in the snowy set up:O AMAZING. And they even added in a slide.

Well, Mr. Gyoza's fashion at its best HAH. Each time there is something new seriously. But I actually think it improved from the past few months! I honestly hated those long t-shirts that he wears (i.e. LIVE3 DVD) that usually girls would wear with tights - and lately he is totally into layering shirts with a jacket/blazer - which I love !!!! Because it looks smart and at the same time, casual because of the pants and dunks (I mean...... the pants ALWAYS turns out the be something that will give you a jaw drop HAHAHHAHA). I wonder how much he spends on fashion :O Must be a huge sum. The dunks are always Nike/Adidas, and the clothes actually look expensive. Not to mention the 29752375823 accessories (bowtie, tie, belt etc) he wears. 
Tego looks so normal in this picture HAHAHA - his attire is very cute though! No one would possibly dare to wear what Massu is wearing; but Tego's attire is totally wear-able.

This part is almost impossible to capture a proper screencap - but if you have watched the performance you should know why I capped it. OMG I LVOED THIS PART WHEN THE CAMERA PANNED IN. SERIOUSLY I REPEATED THAT PART SO SO MANY TIMES. (HAHHAHA and you know, I haven't flailed like THIS for a loooooooong loooooooong time?!)

And we all know Tego makes a pretty woman (Prettier than the 247827429 members of AKB48 who are there? Sorry I cannot appreciate AKB's music :S ).

Compare this to..........

HAHA. Don't you think Gussan makes such an innocent girl. His girl look is my favourite!! :D :D I mean, he looks so......单纯 HAHA. Girl!Aiba looks wild, while Girl!Tego looks kinda princessy for some reason. Girl!Gussan is so cute :D :D :D Even more lovely because real Gussan looks so different hahahhaha.

I know..........so many caps.................................. ><
For you to appreciate the red hair and Tego's smile. HAHA. Massu's answer are so super duper funny. People asked about 'Recently.....' and he talked about the time when he was a Junior. Thing is, he even asked for permission! HAHAHHA, I think because he knows how his train of thought tends to stray and he just goes on and on talking - sometimes off-topic - so he asked for permission with 'Is it okay?'. Isn't it so adorable hahhaha.

It's refreshing to see him talking so much because usually with NEWS he doesn't talk as much during such appearances. Tego used to talk more in Tegomass because Massu doesn't talk; but lately it seems to be the reverse!

Jin appeared too right? I only saw his performance, but not the talk part. The song was okay.........as in that 'Yellow Gold' is very a very Americanised dance track (The dance was so cool though, doesn't it remind you a little of Lady Gaga?! When I saw the lady backdancer who had that mask on I thought of Poker Face LOLOL). The second song.........was it Eternal was okay I guess - as we know (well, at least I think), Jin doesn't have very strong vocals (but then again. a lot of idols don't have very strong vocals) so he kinda messed up the high notes? Heard his voice cracking but he was smart enough to move away from the mike so that it was not THAT obvious....? He likes dance tracks right (I remember watching some Cartoon KATTUN years ago when he chose 'Boom Boom Pow' as a travelling song or something) so he probably likes what he is doing now.

But sadly, there aren't a lot of Tegomasu appearances right.........? I wonder why this time round there is less. Perhaps because of Tego's drama filming? I wished there'd be more! Seems like they have A LOT A LOT of Radio shows this time round..................but radio shows aren't as fun as seeing them on screen!

Oh and is our dear Shige appearing or having a new drama ? :D
(Oh and sorry, not gonna put this under a cut because tegomasu shouldn't be hidden  LOLOL)


When I saw this picture I though........'Oh! Pants is not as loud here. Actually it's quite nice!'

Then I saw..............

THIS. Well, What's Massu without Funky pants. HAHA.

news: tegoshi yuya, tegomass, msta, news: masuda takahisa, tokio, arashi: aiba masaki, caps, news: kato shigeaki

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