it's 4th July tomorrow!

Jul 03, 2010 12:41

I will not have time tomorrow so I am going ahead with a birthday post first!:D (Since my desktop has not be revived, I don't have THAT many pictures)

4th July means.....................................this guy is 24!:D :D :D (I know I am biased. Which is why his birthday post turned out so...long!)

I cannot believe I still like this dork so much....! Has it been almost 3 years? I know, people don't seem to usually seem to think of him as 'Idol-like' (Trust me, when I went Japan and the japanese students saw me buying a Massu magazine and went......'You like Massu???' and I nodded and got all the 'Eh?!!') To be honest, he must be the first kind of 'idol' I liked who is so........normal. No musical instruments or anything,, just the voice and the personality. The latter being the one that really sticks.

Yea, this guy is refreshingly different. He doesn't pretend to be cool (well, when he does he fails tremendously HAHAHAHA). 

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(But he still can pull it off, right?:D) Not that I love the song a lot, I just like seeing him dance coolly:D (And I mean, how many people enjoy singing about Food for goodness sake. HAHA)

He is so real. I mean, seriously he has no hobbies that make sense (he yaks on and on about fashion and gyoza. And if you still remember, that shaking African percussion instrument that lasted for like, a few months?!) 

Give him food! Seriously, with those puppy eyes.

HAHA and he is such a clean freak XD

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He is this awkward guy who says random things that make people find it so hard to respond. But this is what makes him so different and funny. HAHAHAHA. Mr. Shiteru is freaking adorable. Probably scripted, or even if it's not, he will find a way to say say random things somehow haha.

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Seriously, I rewatched Tegomasu's Live events so many times, not just to hear them sing LIVE, but because the awkward moments of the MCs are so hilarious:D :D

Let us not forget how sensitive he can be.Like a girl, in fact.
M: Well it's also Akanishi Jin's birthday on the same day so he (Yamapi) is probably waiting to send him a message at exactly midnight.

OH and the hair! The silky hair that we are so familiar with. 

And we all know how much he loves singing, dancing and how much he loves NEWS and Tegomasu. Yet he remains humble and never attention seeking. Let's hope he will become more confident, since he always talks about how he is the last choice for a lot of things and how 'un-idol-like' he is.

From spilledmilk25 
The first single is "Moshimo kono sekai kara oo ga nalunattara"....what is the thing that is important to you and you don't want ti to disappear from the world?
T: Family and friends
M:To me......NEWS maybe? uhuh (lol)

And from hellomichi 
What are songs to you?
M: For me, basically I am always singing in my free time. Like when I am walking and when I'm in the studio. The fact that there are people who listen to me sing is still something that seems like a miracle to me though. Like there are people who are being moved by my songs and see it in a different sense to what I do and being able to send songs to a lot of people is beautiful I think. From when NEWS was formed, my consciousness of singing has changed. To me, songs are something that cannot be taken away from me.

AND REALLY you have to read this:

Well,and who can forget the smile and laughter!

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Very infectious hahahha XD

Yes this dork is turning 24!

May their concert be a blast (and let there be a DVD>
From hellomichi  again (I love the translations!)
If you were to wake up and find out that you 2 had swapped bodies, what would you do?
Tegoshi: I’d completely tidy up my room. I feel like his house is really clean.
Massu: I would shave his head (laugh) I’ll make his messy hair all closely cropped! And then, I would do a whole lot of muscle training so that when he return to his body his muscles would really hurt. He’d be bald with hurting muscles (laugh)

Oh and maybe he will one day fulfill his wish of being an Exercise oniisan. Someone, just give him the job already!


news: masuda takahisa, happy birthday, tegomass, news: soukon

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