Jul 29, 2009 19:40


I read a fan report on the tegomass concert the other day and I felt so oddly proud of them. I don’t know why I was so happy, especially with the way the person described the concert. It’s good to imagine, isn’t it. The last part where she described the concert was the best:D

I loved how they used carousel horses. Only they can pull it off. And swings, gyoza, forgetting lyrics:D Forgetting lyrics make them so real, especially since I do think the two of them are especially nervous because this time round it’s really the two of them, without yamapi or anyone else.

I mean, they have been with NEWS for so long, and they are always the two main persons singing. So it just made me very touched that when it boils down to just the two of them, they still get nervous and all. It’s like two guys finally fulfilling their dreams after having been performing for years, yet they still become so nervous when it comes to just the two of them.

I am glad that they are so grounded. “Masuda will be playing the tambourine.” That part made me laugh like mad. And the part where Massu went, “Did you guys notice that Tegoshi screwed up?” Adorable aren’t they.

Oh, and ”I like that Tegoshi kills bugs for me.” HAH. Really, they should not worry about the MC. Massu can continue talking about bugs, fashion,gyoza, heat for all I care, and Tegoshi on his soccer, pool, living alone, I promise I'll listen lol.

Their concert goods, with those cartoons and such are really so tegomasu-ish. I am just very glad they got the opportunity and they pulled it off.

I am really proud of them. I don’t know why hahahha. This is the first time I feel this way. Just a bit sad that Hajimete no Asa is not included in the concert because it was my favourite song before Hanamuke appeared HAH, and that I am stuck here in Singapore with exams looming around the corner while they are having their concerts.

Oh, the other day, I watched Prison Break finale, even though I knew about the ending (since I couldn’t wait and was willing to be spoiled). It’s funny how I know what’s going to happen but still cry when watching-.- I can’t say it’s a bad ending though, knowing that a lot of people panned the ending. I thought it was justified. It’s not very realistic for them to have been through so much, yet all of them escaped unscathed isn’t it. Like, HUH. I actually thought Sarah Wayne Callis looked pretty hot in this whole season. And I am glad Wentworth Miller lost a few pounds. He was kinda pudgy in Season 3.

And all of them had some kind of a wardrobe this time round! This is a really big deal because the other season they were always in prison and they always wore the same clothesType your cut contents here.

It’s a little surreal that the series ended. I remember loving it when I was in Sec 3, when I first started watching it, together with LOST (which I stopped after season 2 since it got on my nerves) and Grey’s (which I really loved, despite some really crappy episodes they throw in sometimes). I watched it online, watched it on TV (nothing beats watching shows on the actual TV screen XD) I hated season 3 and got really bored with it. And now, it’s really over and done with. You know, minor things like this always make me feel like my life is moving on faster than I can live it. It's almost August, and yet I've accomplished nothing that I can be proud of


I watched Harry Potter the other day too, with my friend.

It’s gone chick-flick combined with horror movie, with a lot of teen romance and such. The part with Katie under a curse and thrown onto the ground made me cringe so bad. The way she floated in the air and opened the mouth was just oh my goodness. I thought it was really scary. And there were a couple of very very weird scene transitions made, skipping the important connections that link the scenes together, and I thought that was rather awkward and jarring. Oh, and some characters didn't even get the chance to appear:(

That said, I know a lot of people who didn’t like the movie, but I actually preferred this to the previous movie for some reason. Of course, the first movie is always the best, and is incomparable. Same with the books. The books are waaaaaaaaay better- JK Rowling painted a world that was so different and the characters whom we grew to learn about, that the movies in 2 hours, are unable to do so.

It was unlike the book, but I did enjoy the movie. (Despite the irritating guy behind me who propped his feet up on the empty seats down my row and kept shaking. SERIOUSLY YOU DON'T GO TO THE CINEMA TO SHAKE LEGS HELLO). Even though a lot of parts were cut from the book to include more comedy and stuff, I think one can enjoy the movie better if you don't compare it with the book.

Throughout the movie, my friend and I kept going,”Oh my god, they’re all grown up!” We did grow up alongside them didn't we, especially since we are the same age as...Emma Watson I think? Which makes me feel very much older now.

Anyway even though it’s written this way, I still don’t like the idea of Harry and Ginny together. I don’t know why, I just dislike the idea a lot.


Oh I love Fred and George. Both in the books (YES I LOVE IT WHEN THEY APPEAR IN THE BOOKS) and the movies..........

.....even though they appeared for like, 1 minute this time round?!:(


I thought this movie was rather funny and it is the first time I see all of them from another perspective. Rupert Grint should totally aim for the comedies. He made me laugh so hard :D Daniel Radcliffe ....entertaining when he drank the good luck charm and went all so high. Emma Watson is pretty, she is much like the real-life version of Hermione isn’t she, so not much acting required.

Snape is still Snape (with very little screen time! :( ) Oh did I mention I wanted to laugh so bad at Snape, Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore's expressions when they were present at the Ron-Lavender Brown breakup scene. Like, HAHAHHA Snape's expression was PRICELESS I SWEAR. Alan Rickman has the best stare ever.Oh and I thought the movie's Bellatrix was realllllllllly crazy. I don't remember Bellatriz being so crazy-.- Not that it's not a bad thing, I thought it was good.
And Draco, AH I MISS THE YOUNG DRACO (i.e. YOUNG Tom Felton), with the neatly combed-back hair and that smug face.

It was just different........all of them, when they were younger. See.................

SO CUTE RIGHT. I guess Harry Potter is a big part of my childhood. HAH,  I keep saying I feel old but lately, I see my Primary 3 tuition kids having Facebook accounts and I can't help but feel that way lol! When I was P3 all I had was Neopets -.-

Oh and I tried Audicity the other day to make karaoke tracks. IT IS REALLY ADDICTIVE XD

Off to get the endocrine and renal systems into my brainnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nowT_______________T

EDIT: LJ cut is kinda screwed huh.

movie: harry potter and the half blood p, tegomass, prison break

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