Dear Nino,
I did not forget your birthday hah. I remembered, but I only had time to post now. You know, just like sometimes you and your magic or you and your games makes you so busy and caught up? Yea same thing happened here. I am talking to you like you are ever going to read this, and I think it's fun. I must be weird LOL! I thought using the recent pics would show your progress from a kid , to a 26 adult. You are closer to 30 than 20 now, but who can tell really XD I read somewhere that arashi brought you out to celebrate, and that made me very happy for some reason because, that's what arashi means isn't it? And that's what made me like arashi after all. You and your niji performance are the ultimate attraction, seriously. If not for niji and arashi no shukudai-kun, I'd probably have dismissed arashi as yet another group that exists. I am glad because your niji performance made me sit up, and arashi followed and made me laugh very often. Please continue acting, because when you're acting you're a whole different person; and continue with the games and magic day you think you're too old for that HAH. Oh, not forgetting your humour:D
HI, it's been a while. This is weird, I had so much I wanted to spill but when it comes to the time to type, I don't know where to start. OKAY here I go.
I have to get this out. I went over to my aunt’s place today. For anyone’s benefit, my aunt’s my mum’s sister, and my uncle being her husband. Basically I went over today since I wanted to see my grandmother (who by the way, is getting so so so so skinny and no longer the loud, fierce person she used to be) So when I saw my aunt in the living room I felt ridiculously happy.
Thing is, I forgot to tell her that I wouldn’t be staying over tonight since I had work over the weekends. She basically just brushed it off saying she was still discussing with my uncle whether they should prepare tonight and that I saved them the trouble. That was the first HIT, and I felt so…………….idk, like a little girl all over again. Then we went out, and the two of them really do not have a thing for Japanese food. But because I like it, and it’s always about what I like, they brought me to a Japanese restaurant. HIT #2, I felt totally like a jerk already. Then, we were just casually shopping, and I was looking at this laptop case, the next minute they bought it. To me, it was like, BOOM, FATAL HIT.
You know, I don’t deserve this. I used to spend a lot of time with them. I used to call my aunt every night without fail. These few months, I call once/twice a week because school+work+tuition wore me out. And it’s never about me not calling or anything. Whenever I call, all I hear is whether I am tired, whether I can take it, and for me to quickly hang up and go and rest. When I chose occupational therapy to study instead of Business or Accountancy or the ddp I was offered, it was never about why I chose to go such a route, why I apparently, to some people, wasted the grades, and why I, apparently to my other relatives, made such a silly choice. To them, it was just, “As long as you like it,” and “What is OT, tell me so I can tell my friends.” When I fell sick two weeks ago, I got scolded from my aunt for not taking good care of myself, and today when I told her about the terrible quarrel with my dad a few weeks ago, I got scolded again. She’s right, if my dad wasn’t a good man, he wouldn’t have brought me up, in a healthy environment no less. (That quarrel, is well another story and was well contributed by both of us)
So while I was taking the train home just now, I felt so weak, mentally I mean. I really wanted those long breaks when I stayed over at their place, when my grandmother nagged at me in a very fierce manner; me laying out the table when it was time for dinner; my aunt and me sleeping very late at night since my uncle works at night and sleeps in the morning. Certain things are lost as time passes aren’t they. I don’t even know why I’m tearing now.
I realize how old my dad, my aunt, uncle and my grandmother are getting. I’m grown up? I don’t think so, not yet.
Anyway, my friend and I were planning trips, but poof, no trips. It may not be that bad a thing too I guess. Exams are coming, when school reopens after this 2-week break. 1 week has already passed so..........well... I REALLY NEED TO DUMP PHYSIOLOGY INTO MY RUSTY BRAIN.
and now.......
I AM GOING TO DO REVIEWS. TWO, NO LESS.It's been a long time since I've done in depth reviews I think. Since...maou? that's loooooooooong man. I forgot how fun it can be, at least to myself. LOL.
OKAY let's see, no point introducing the characters since most probably know them from the first movie.The movie had it's funny points, as well as the unfunny parts. Given that it's more or less targeted at kids, I guess it'll be a hit with them (since my tuition kids apparently enjoyed it a lot too) For me, there were the very funny parts (the Capuchin monkey was cute, so now they have a PAIR instead. Together with the tiny ones i.e. Owen Wilson and Steve Coogan who were a hit. Especially Steve Coogan's Octavius when he was charging through the grass ,screaming while the camera zoomed out to show how quiet it actuallywas. Now, THAT made me laugh like mad)
But for me, there were more misses than hits, since most parts seemed repetitive.Often, the humour in the dialogues felt unnatural and I knew I was supposed to laugh but I didn't. Amy Adams as Amelia Earhart didn't bring much humour to me(though she was enjoyable to watch) and it was just felt stale, at certain parts, and almost boring. The front parts when Ben Stiller was trying to find his passion and joy in his job again? It was juts like, UH WELL. Something was missing for me, perhaps trying to tie up life values and humour wasn't something I felt was well done. Or maybe because the fun and fresh factor was missing. The supposed battle left me thinking when it'd end, which was not a good sign.
So overall,
(my perspective, really)
Dance Subaru was not too bad. Good looking cast, very awesome dance, subtle humour, lovely sidekicks; how could one hate it?
Kuroko Meisa is very pretty. Really, halfway though the movie I caught myself staring at her face, not to mention the times I didn't catch myself. Her jawline,skin tone, cheek bones make her very exotic looking.My friend was even cooler, poking me several times during the movie to comment about how exotic and non-japanese she looked (apparently to check if I was asleep since I always sit really still and stay really quiet to focus on the movie-.-)
So, Kuroki Meisa plays Subaru, a girl who's had a passion for ballet since young. Since the title's "Dance Subaru" it is about the girl overcoming odds (a disapproving father, lack of techniques, lack of money and the memory of her dead twin brother Kazuma) to realise her dream of being a pro-ballerina. Pay attention to her lean body and dance moves because it really does steal attention.The character does not show much emotion, so it's hard to comment on her acting. But because of this, when she was absolutely stiff regarding Kohei's(Yuta Hiraoka) kiss, and when she hugged the adorable ballet performer Mr. Sada (Ken Maeda) and cabaret-owner Isuzu, it was indeed touching. Reminds people why it's a japanese movie yet againXD.
Left: Ara as Liz Park. She is pretty too(as I mentioned, good looking cast HAH) and a good dancer. She was the one who found Subaru during one of her Bolero performance at Isuzu's cabaret and was obviously intrigued by the girl's talent, opening paths and routes up for Subaru. In the end, one does realise that what she did was indeed for herself, to ignite her passion for dancing again by looking for a rival.
Right: Sano Miku as Mana. You'd first think that she's the evil, mean girl who pretends to be Subaru's friend, but well it's a Japanese movie so nope, no one who's as evil as ever. I kinda understand her. She has talent, her mum's a ballet trainer, but Subaru's talent is way more outstanding than hers. Envy, jealousy; all of us have experienced that, even with our friends. I liked that in the beginning you could see how spoilt she was, but at the end you could see her maturing and becoming a different person. She really wanted to be Subaru's friend, but Subaru wasn't really the most sociable person
ADORABLE KIDS as young Subaru and young Kazuma. It's almost a sure-win to use kids in movies, really Think: Slumdog. The kids were really cute, the way they interacted (THE SWAN LAKE THEY DID TOGETHER ?!) Acting was kinda raw for the girl since she had more acting to do, but she's young and has more years ahead to polish her skills. But yea, the girl can really shed tears. Though some parts left me scratching my head, like her dancing in the hospital room when Kazuma "fell asleep" and miraculously woke up.
Yuta Hiraoka as Kohei, who's interested in Subaru. He's familiar???*coughs GODHAND TERU coughs* Not that I watched the drama -.- He provides humour(he's quite funny really hahahha), and acts as the supposed bridge for the scene involving breakdancing which I thought was sort of out of place. Appears whenever Liz appears-.-
I cannot find pictures of my favourite characters Mr. Sada and Isuzu. The way they protected Subaru and taught her dance in their own way, as a daugther was touching of course. Not to mention their interaction was very funny, it brought a lot of laughter and you'd fall for the characters indeed.
So overall, it was a nice movie, heartfelt movie about the process towards becoming a professional ballerina, growing up, and overcoming tragedies in life. Very down-to-earth, unlike the after-talent-is-discovered-life-is-good movies, Subaru still went to school, continued life as it is. My friend said the ending screamed : Japanese movie, (and apparently she went," It's coming it's coming,") and well, I agreed. They always have to do the closure part as in the dramas, and I liked that. It;s just me, really, i've a thing for those closures, in books, dramas or movies. Some parts were too rushed I felt, some parts were out of place (the club and underground ones), but those flaws were not too bad. It does remind people of the need to constantly learn (when she had to tune her techniques, then style, then musicality), the need to be independent (chasing dreams of her own) and to work with people (when she was auditioning for the arts festival performance) Oh, and the cameo appearance of TVXQ, which lasted 30 seconds(easily spotted using the screams in the theatre HAH)
For me (really, taste varies)
i give it 3/5
LET'S SEE, the next time I come here would be when........Tegomass PV comes out. I love these two and their harmonizing voices. I can keep their songs on repeat just to hear the harmonizing parts and everytime I discover a new part I get oddly delighted.
That's what I'm doing to hanamuke now, actually. THE HARMONY.
and that day I caught massu's machimassu audio rips and I loved how he sang solo and it showed the voice, alone. I wished he get more opportunities, really.
(Though I think for hanamuke's ending verse, massu's probably going to go off-pitch if he sings live since the key is way too high-.-)
Candid shots are fun. Till then!