(no subject)

Jul 06, 2010 03:57

So this is the set that's been sitting in my game for the past year or so that I never got around to uploading anywhere. I mostly made it because I didn't want my PTs to be quite as extreme (I know, I know...), but I still wanted to stick to the skin defaults and keep the facial structure roughly the same. I kept certain traits intact, like the high cheekbones, tiny to invisible noses (most of their noses are smaller than they look :P), and a couple other things I forget since I made them a year ago. Most of them were made with my adult alien-babies as a base, so that helped too.

Anyway, on to the good stuff!

-No CC involved, so feel free to use whatever alien defaults you want!
-The PTs are pictured in Maxis skin, though my test babies below are using my usual alien default.
-Each PT has a different hair color to help with variety.
-Remember that you can only have on multi-PT hack in at a time, so make sure you don't have one already in your downloads folder when putting this one in.
-Thanks to Simgaroop for her awesome tutorial here

You can download my multi-PT hack here: http://www.mediafire.com/?mqzmm0zmdz5

To prove this hack works in-game, these are my handsome test subjects. From left to right, we have Doctor Ten, Neville (created a while back to go with my Luna Sim :P), a certain 'hot blonde dude' a lot of legacy writers apparently know, and Doctor Eleven (who is currently wearing my only outfit with a bowtie involved...).

HBD had the first go at making alien babies.

Theresa came out rather pretty and almost normal from the front, but the side view gives away the alien genes involved in her facial structure. I definitely didn't expect those lips to turn up anywhere. o.O

Ten was up next, and unsurprisingly was a bit less than thrilled at the prospect of a new baby, alien or not.

Jack definitely surprised me with how much he looked like his dad.

Eleven was about as disturbed by this whole baby thing as Ten was.

Rory all grown up.

And finally it was Neville's turn. I'd been aging up each baby before birthing the next one, so I'm rather impressed there's no one else in this shot.

Harry, the last alien kid.

And a few shots of the offspring in action:

Theresa valiantly attempting to be an amazing singer...

...While Jack plays along on the guitar.

I know this isn't an alien offspring, but when I caught Ten on the drums...

I officially decided Rory was my favorite after seeing him from the side. I thought this was one of the most adorable profiles ever. <3

Meanwhile, Harry is off attempting to make the train set look cool.

So there you go. Hope you have lot of fun with this set if you decide to download it. :D I'll be uploading some random sims eventually, and I'll probably include some of the alien kids in case anyone wants them. :)

sims 2, sims - downloads

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