(no subject)

Feb 28, 2011 01:22

One of the "fun" parts of raiding with a semi-casual raiding guild (not hard-core, but definitely trying to get through content with Cho-Gall down and decent Nef attempts on the side) is when they really want you use things that might not really be that good. My resto druid, for example, has her oh-so-lovely Efflorescent, and AoE heal that heals up everyone inside it. Unfortunately, the heals are small enough that it's all but useless beyond beefing up my numbers a bit. This doesn't stop my guild from always insisting I use it and making sure people can stand in it though. I'll keep using it, but that doesn't change the fact that some (not all, but some) top resto druids out there aren't even specced into it. Oh well, maybe it'll get a little more buffed in Cata so it can start doing some serious good again.

Meanwhile, turns out my laptop can still raid after all. My first week it was overheating like crazy and barely managing 5 fps during boss fights, which basically makes decent raiding impossible. On the blind dragon fight (so I don't know all the bosses by name :P), my guild even gave me a super-special position just so I would live a little longer, lol. That weekend, my laptop's temperatures only got worse, and in desperation I got the interior of it dusted out. Suddenly it's running better, and happily giving me 20-25 fps during boss fights with fair graphic settings. So I'm feeling pretty optimistic now this laptop will at least play WoW throughout Cata. (I normally play on my imac, but being stuck downstairs with an injured knee means I have to live with my laptop for now.)

In other news, I need to work on getting a WoW-related icon before long. Maybe pick an awesome screenshot once I can get upstairs again...

world of warcraft

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