May 27, 2005 01:29
So what been up wit me? HMMM...Same ol' shit just a different day, i guess. So lets see, Mandi and I have been hanging out a lot lately and then all of a sudden she just kinda quit talking to me, so i dont know. I am really worried about my sis, she has been home in a week and a half, so i dont know. Yesturday [Wednesday] was my moms bday. My dad got her a jet ski, among other things, well i got a jet ski too...its nice i like it a lot. Well anthony and mario broke up, but as of like 9:30 thurday night, they were back together. I get paid tomorrow, yay. I have to go to the eye doctors on tuesday, that'll be good, then i can get contacts once again. I need to get a new tire for my car. I WANT A NEW JOB!!! I dyed my hair blond tonight, it looks bad, i am just not used to it tho. lets see...i wish that mandi would talk to least so i know whats up with her, because she aint answering her phone or my texts so i dont know, but i gotta go to bed for now, talk to ya'll lata!!