Much to know about Kenney supporting the RIAA... well music in general

Jun 15, 2005 04:13

1) Total number of CDs I own: Total (including the ones that were stolen)... a good 275

2)The last CD I bought: John Heffor, Good Kid, Bad Adult

3) The last CD I listened to: Billy Talent- Billy Talent.

4) Five CDs that I listen to a lot or that mean a lot to me (in no particular order):
Billy Talent- Billy Talent
The Offfspring- Splinter
Red Hot Chili Peppers- Greatest Hits
Stephen Lynch- Superhero
The Box- CD No. 1 (Techno compeliation)

5) Total number of DVDs I own: Including the 4 music DVD's, about 110 (also including the ones i've burned)

6) THe last DVD I bought: Anchorman

7) The Last DVD I watched: Anchorman

8) Five DVDs that you watch way more than you should
SNL Best of Will Farrel
Stephen Lynch Live at the El Ray
Road Trip
American Pie 2
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