Choices, choices~

Apr 28, 2006 18:30

Yeah so I beat Suikoden V last night. Or, more accurately, early this morning. Anyway, because I didn't get all 108 this time through, it makes me want to pick it right back up again and play through and get the best ending.

Then again, I have a stack of games from my birthday/Christmas that I haven't beaten, some I haven't even TOUCHED :o

Haven't even played yet:

Radiata Stories
Castlevania: Curse of Darkness

Played but not beaten:

Grandia III
Wild Arms Alter Code: F
Romancing SaGa (but I'm close!)

.. not to mention the copy of Wild Arms 3 we picked up for cheap just because, plus various handheld games like Phoenix Wright which I need to finish off.

And I have no doubt I've forgotten a game or two on the list. Either way it's a tough call on which to play next. What makes it worse is that there are older games I'm beginning to get the urge to play through again, so my plate will be quite full for the next few months at least.

Man, it was so much more manageable when I was younger and I'd get like, 3-4 games a year, at the most. I'd have no trouble beating them all before I got new ones, and I'd replay them over and over and never get tired of them. Ahh, youth.

P.S. Wii is =(

i play too many games, frozen yogurt, suikoden

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