My mind has drawn a blank for something to write about in my live journal so im just going to talk about the weather we are having…But I wouldn’t bother you with something as boring as that!
I just realized that West Wing really does bring people together. My friend Jack Daniels and I love this show…but at the same time its brought Matt and I together. With a few pauses for cigarette breaks and lunch…ive been watching this show since 10 oclock this morning with some very special people. Being drunk isn’t the greatest thing in the world but at least it helps with other feelings. You know you love someone until they rip your heart out. You tell them you will always be there for them and you give them gas money and they ditch you for their new boyfriend. This is fine because it just pushed me over the edge and now there is nothing to do except work on my life and making it better. A person who refuses to believe something as important as a disease that they carry doesn’t deserve my love. Why should I care about someone when they don’t even care about themselves.
I’m about as drunk as ive ever been right now. Being drunk is an interesting feeling. This habitual event has taken over my daily life. I know it sounds sad that im wasting my life away being drunk but at the same time could it mean that im moving on from people that have hurt me so much.
I find myself at another block in my mind either because I am drunk or because im trying to concentrate on two different things at the same time (West Wing Season 1 and typing this ridiculous excuse for a livejournal).
Alright its been about 45 minutes since last writing in this and ive eaten at Texas Hall (the worst campus food ive had in a long time) and im sobering up pretty quickly…I think jack and I need another round. Ive been writing this paper for my across the hall roommate Shaw and it’s supposed to be about a heartbreak story. You can only guess what its about!!! The day that my friend Matt died. All because he was high and driving. I was heartbroken and it hurt so much that I still don’t think ive gotten over it.
In the words of President Bartlett “Go away!”