Feb 14, 2008 17:59
So...I leave for Picton in 5 hours or so. I have too many bags again, though I tried to cut down on stuff to bring. It takes up all the space in the car. Except for the driver's & front passenger's seat. And one seat at the back. D:
But I've been informed by Lydia that in teh new 2nd-years-only complex we get given double beds. Which is probably a compensation for locating the rooms 7 mins away from the main building/dining room -_- *grumblegrumble*. I don't really wanna have to trudge 7 minutes in miserable weather to eat slop that looks and tastes the same every day...
Anyway. Strangely nervous about going back, because I'm not going back to my old room. Apparently the rooms are a good size and the facilities are ok. But I'm still not at ease. If it's close to the fish and chip shop I wouldn't mind so much though 8D
Ahh, goodbye slim-ness, hello high-fat hell.
I lost between 4 and 5kg during my time away from uni. 2kg was lost in Wellington by eating normal, home-cooked meals. A further 2-3kg was lost overseas from being in a warmer climate and not having an apetite...