May 17, 2002 14:29
Haha good news about yesterdays softball game, we cremed Cranston East. There was like a big fight towards the middle of the game. Crantson East softball players are all talk and no walk. I love you nicole, and those girls deserve to die for what they said to you because it isn't true at all. If it wasn't for your pitching, we wouldn't of had such a great game. I love you.Anyways, haha, I never told you that I final story of my jacket. I finally got it back, but guess what was missing from it? Haha the size of the jacket was cut out of the tag so that I couldn't tell what size it was. This would conclude that the Jacket was really a medium, Ashley lied and told me it was a small, and then she cut the tag out so that no one could tell that is was actually a medium. How dumb is that? like I would never notice that piece of the tag was cut out. Haha loser.She really had it lied about it, now she is denying the whole thing.Not cool at all. I love everyone,MUAH! correction: everyone but ASHLEY.