- exam
- wendy's w/ migs neeks & robs
- met up with everyone else @ winners
- went to best buy with neeeks and robbs
- dropp neeks at stop, went to andys
- chilled with them
- jason&miggs went home, therest played ball
- watch tv w. danny & mel
- danny went home at like 9
- went home at like 11
- alfie came overearly
- met with andy and robbbs on busss
- ate breakfast at sq :|
- went to toronto
- chilled and shit
- ,met up with stephen& kristen
- went to korean barbq
- bumped into pj kat john justin alvaro and stuff in korean barbq
- left and bumped into monica &rachelle
- bought new nike greco shoes
- walked hellllllaaa long to andys mom work to drive us home
- droped ushome, robbie came over
- he was here till 12
- robbbie picked me up and went to mandarin fo rmonica's
- there was like 45 peoplle there...
- chilled ate and things
- after went to sqtowatch juno
- chilled at food court for a while
- me and robbie left and i had to go to sirens, ub and hmv,
- bumped into cate, bussed home
- chilled and thigs then we fell aslleeepp
- got awakeup tx from alfier sayin hb at 12:30
- slept till 1:30
- then we both stayed up till like 5