Dec 26, 2004 22:39

DDR for many hours+no stretching=sore
Horse smell+5(DDR+sweat)=funky smell
Mmmmm good weekend! I got DDR game and pad (duh) and much more but I don't feel like announcing it all. I played for about 8 hours after I got it that night then went to harass Kristen. We got uber paranoid while watching Gackt really loud. There was creepy thumping. So...we went to the downstairs and played hand-pool. (Using hands instead of cues.) The dogs growled and I grabed the cues and checked the upstairs. Nothing. Gackt cried in the concert. *hides own tears* Awoke at 7ish...to TJ look-a-like headbutting me and pried myself from my living blanket of dogs and poked the thing awake. HORSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There was one who's name I don't dare spell for I suck at spelling but he was soooo cute! Then... nap time! 2 hours later was called Kirsten and she got us. To the barn where Gete*puts accent over the last e* pooped 3 times in the aisle and then once in the arena. Spaz horseh. Vinny stood there nice and calm. Went home, DDRed and here I is.

I leave you all with this, (mainly aimed at Kristen [only she'd get it])
*cueball rolls on the edge of table, plops off*
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